MojoHost matching Paxum funds 100% on new sales through April 30th! + Special for Existing Clients

At MojoHost we are always happy to accept Paxum from our customers. In light of some recent challenges to their platform, I am inclined to offer a Paxum special for new clients and additional purchases. We have full confidence in the Paxum platform and I would like to support them and their customers with a very special offer. MojoHost puts it’s money where it’s mouth is with regard to it’s full commitment to success in our industry.Through the end of April, MojoHost will match 100% of Paxum funds sent to us to be applied toward incrementally new business. This amount will be placed as a credit on account to be applied toward the purchase of any new VPS or dedicated server account. No limitation on dollar amount, except that the matched funds will not be applied toward existing recurring service. Send us $1000 or $10,000, get $2000 or $20,000 on account at MojoHost – that simple. 100% satisfaction guarantee with our service, as always. Refunds, we don’t see many of those, but with this offer they may only include amounts actually paid to MojoHost and if requested will be returned only via Paxum method.
NOW, A SPECIAL FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS. Because you’re awesome, and you deserve something great even if you aren’t growing your spend with us. Load me up with a pre-payment of any size via Paxum through April 30th and I will manually give you a 10% bonus of funds within your account. Instructions for current MojoHost customers and eligibility: Login to the portal, create an “add-funds” invoice in any amount of your choosing. Send Paxum funds in this amount to billing at mojohost.com and reference the invoice number of your new “add funds” invoice… and I will hand the rest! Funds will be applied toward outstanding invoices first, before future invoices. Same will apply to the 10% bonus I give you.
Please email myself or Natalie (at) MojoHost.Com to receive help picking out new hosting and if you would like to explore additional discounts to our retail pricing.
Have a great day!
Brad Mitchell
MojoHost.COM MojoHost.EU SendFaster | brad at mojohost dot com | 1-888-345-MOJO x801 | Skype MojoHostBrad