How To Set Up A Payout Whitelist
The Paxum Payout Whitelist enables you to receive payments from specified Paxum account-holders so that they are never blocked for payments by your in-account Risk Level or Reputation Level Settings.
It’s easy to set up a Payout Whitelist, and you can do so after you login to your Paxum Account.
Let’s begin.
First login to your Paxum account.
After you login, click the SECURITY link in the top menu and the Security Directory page will load. From there, click the Payout Whitelist link (located in the middle of the list):
A new page will load that shows your current Payout Whitelist. Since this is your first time, the page should appear as below. Click the Add an Email link on that page:
A new page will load where you can enter the email address you wish to add to your Payout Whitelist. Input the email address of the person you are whitelisting and click the blue SAVE button:
Once saved, you will be returned to the main Payout Whitelist page where you can see the email address you just added listed as a Trusted email. Repeat this process to add as many emails as you want to your Payout Whitelist:
Please note – Paxum account-holders are allowed to add multiple email addresses to their account. When you add an email address to your Payout Whitelist, by default it will internally associate the other email addresses attached to that Paxum account and also mark them as Trusted.